How did you attract/address your audience?
The colour scheme on the cover allows certain aspects to show out more than others. The contrasting red allows the main cover line and masthead to do this. The ‘2011 festival special’ grabs the readers attention as it is highlighted in a way due to it being presented differently than the other cover lines. The main coverline features the main artist of the magazine - the ‘cover story’. The coverlines in the top right are similar as they have the title and have a small description of the story included, the less important cover lines are shown in simple list from in the top left and bottom right. In the bottom left is another example of coverlines being presented in a different way to help stand out more, the feature includes different albums so are included together with the black highlight. The RADAR masthead is easy to read and in the distinctive font, will be recognisable to the audience. Along the top of the page is a lure, this competition entices the reader further into buying the magazine as they will want to be involved in the competition and could be one of the first things the reader sees as it is a the top of the page.
The contents page includes a fairly simple list form set out down the left hand side of the page. It allows it to be easily readable but still shown in a style that works well. It has the features which would be in every issue of the magazine, under ‘monthly’. Then the features which are in the magazine are shown underneath. These stories are the ones that the magazine will be bought for, from non-subscribers. The people who will buy the magazine for a particular artist or band, whether they are on the cover or have a review or interview with them. The cover story is presented with the large image on the page, with a title shown on the image and what page the feature is on. The other main features in the article are shown with smaller pictures and presented with the same text box and page number.
The layout of the double page spread is simplistic but still features a lot of information and stories about the artist. The quote shown next to the artist is selected to attract the reader who may not be seeking to read the article in a way. It is shown to sum up the article and give the reader an idea of what it is about and aims to entice them into reading on. Like the cover, ‘SAM BURNHAM’ is presented quite clearly so that at first glance the reader will know what the article is about and who the artist is. The image shows the artist in a slightly more casual manner than on the cover, with his shirt undone. This could be representing the informality of the interview in the article and also shows the artist as being a bit less ‘rigid’ in his appearance.
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