What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
Bauer Media is Europe’s largest privately owned publishing group. It has 19 million adults who are reached through the company’s multiple media outlets, mainly magazines and radio. Some of it’s leading magazine brands include men’s magazine FHM & ZOO, Grazia (fashion), Closer & Heat (showbiz), Empire (films), Match Magazine (sport), Kerrang (rock). It also has Q magazine which would be the closest competitor to my magazine. Although this may mean that a company would not want to take on a similar magazine to one that it already has, Bauer Media as shown above has some magazines that are even more similar and would have very similar audiences for example Closer & Heat, FHM & Zoo. Q is aimed at a slightly wider musical genre than the indie genre my magazine is targeting. This would also mean that the company would be aiming to a wider music magazine audience, with RADAR and Kerrang it would cover two more specific genres and Q may be for a wider audience. I think my magazine's unique selling point is that it is in a genre of music which is put across in a more informal manner (e.g older NME Magazines) however I feel mine puts an effective upmarket touch to this genre in my magazine.
A magazine publishing company is responsible for editing the magazine and putting it out into the media. Magazine’s are an example of ‘Periodical Literature’ where new editions are published on a regular schedule. Bauer Media obviously has great experience in this as it has done it with many magazines spread across many interests and genres.
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