Friday, 25 March 2011

Evaluation Activity 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?
The image of Orlando Weeks shows him in a similar outfit to my artist, he is in action in this shot but he has quite a calm facial expression. They are both wearing a similar short sleeve shirt with it buttoned all the way up which is more common in the Indie artists. Orlando Weeks has a very timid approach in his performance, I aim my artist’s character to be a slightly more outlandish as described in my article. In the full length shots you also see my model wearing skinny black jeans which is a common feature in indie frontmen. The shoes worn by my model are a bit more formal that the stereotypical indie artists footwear, although the model is not dressed to be on stage and is more of a formal occasion so we would expect the artist to be wearing something a bit more formal than on stage. The two are also in the same social group, they are both white, middle class. Appearance wise I have compared him to Weeks although his character is a bit more outlandish and has a 'louder' personality. I have compared Sam Burnham to other frontmen in the article, his stage style is highlighted throughout the article. He is likened to Yannis Philippakis and Ryan Jarman for being represented as a fairly adventurous character, particularly with Yannis who is known for not staying on the stage all the time when performing. 

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